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Automobile chassis is the part of automobile parts that is close to the ground
2022-04-15 15:53:35

Automobile chassis is the part of automobile parts close to the ground. During driving, it often falls into sediment, causing the automobile chassis to be covered with sediment, garbage and other attachments. These pollutants will enter the vehicle chassis, resulting in the pollution of components such as the transmission system of the vehicle chassis, increasing the friction between parts, accelerating the loss of parts, and greatly shortening the service life of the vehicle. In rainy and snowy weather, the components in rain and snow may corrode the parts of the chassis to a certain extent.

Auto parts

Therefore, we need to wash the chassis of the car regularly, and thoroughly clean the frame, steering arm, tie rod, rotating shaft, tire fender and other positions of the chassis after rain and snow, so as to prevent the above parts from rusting.

In the normal daily driving process, the vehicle will not produce abnormal sound, but when the vehicle chassis has problems, there will be relatively abnormal and huge sound, and the operation and control of the vehicle will also be inconvenient. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the operation of the above components during the driving process of the vehicle, and timely go to the maintenance plant for maintenance if any problems are found.

The car's shock absorber is also installed in the car's chassis. The car's shock absorber needs daily maintenance. The working state of the shock absorber will affect the stability of the car during driving. If the car's shock absorber works well, it can directly affect the service life of other parts of the car, so as to increase the economy of the car. If there is abnormal vibration during driving or severe vibration after braking, it indicates that there is a problem with the shock absorber. At this time, check the shock absorber, replace the damaged parts in the shock absorber, and replace and supplement the oil.