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Automobile sheet metal parts should have good optimization design method
2020-06-16 10:59:49

Automobile sheet metal parts are one of the main parts of automobile. The whole body in white is composed of 400-500 stamping parts. In addition to the role of protection and beauty, sheet metal parts are also the main carrier of automobile gas resistance. The quality and service life of sheet metal parts not only affect the appearance of the car, but also increase the resistance of air to the car due to the quality and deformation, so that the quality and performance of the whole car will decline, so it is very important to ensure the quality of stamping parts. How to ensure the quality of stamping parts, first of all, we need to understand its common defects and causes. This paper mainly introduces the common defects and causes of three kinds of stamping parts.

Automobile sheet metal parts

Automobile sheet metal parts should have good optimization design methods, so stamping manufacturers take stamping optimization design as an important way to reduce the cost of automobile manufacturing, which can make the automobile appearance beautiful. The air resistance is reduced, the number of stamping parts and solder joints are reduced, and the cost is effectively reduced.

Empirical methods. This method is mainly based on some empirical calculation formulas, so its application scope is affected. It is mainly applied to the developable stamping parts with simple shapes (such as rotating parts, bending parts, or stamping parts composed of these simple shapes). Generally speaking, the method of developing the free-form surface of plate parts by experience belongs to the method of adaptability. Its accuracy is affected by many factors such as the user's experience, the empirical formula used and the selection of specific process parameters. Its accuracy needs to be further improved.

The basic assumption of slip line method is that the thickness of sheet metal flange is constant, and it is in plane strain state, the material is isotropic, no hardening, and the effect of friction distribution on plastic flow is not considered.

According to the description of the slip line method, only the stamping parts with relatively simple shape can establish the corresponding slip line field. And only under the very simple boundary condition can the mathematical expression of the slip line be given from the solution of the characteristic square. In general, it is necessary to use the numerical integration of the characteristic equation to obtain the approximate slip line field according to the given boundary conditions and point by point recurrence. This method is based on the transformation of the differential equation of the characteristic line as the finite difference relation and the characteristics of the slip line as the basis. Therefore, the slip line method is difficult to be applied in practical production because of its complicated mathematical operation.