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Find out which parts of the car are easy to be stolen?
2020-07-28 15:04:41

It is believed that many car owners have encountered such problems. When they get up and drive in the morning, they find that the parts on the car are missing, which is a very helpless thing. Even if the vehicle has an anti-theft device and is equipped with a ground lock, it can not prevent the loss of auto parts. Which parts of the car are easy to be stolen?

Auto parts

There are many luxury cars or expensive cars, which are the targets of criminals. If they can't drive away, they will steal the parts from the car. Although, for them can not change a few money, but for car owners, the loss can be big.

1. Rear view mirror.

For the thief, stealing the rear-view mirror is easy. You can steal your rearview mirror with a simple break. Moreover, the rear-view mirror of a luxury car is expensive and can easily be sold for a good price.

2. Wheels.

Overnight, the four wheels of the car disappeared, which is no use for those who are in a hurry to go out to do business. The theft of wheels usually occurs in the middle of the night, and the owner's vehicle is parked in a place with dim light, "favorable weather, favorable location and harmonious people" undoubtedly creates excellent conditions for the thief to commit a crime.

3. Battery.

When I got up to work early in the morning, I found that the car couldn't start. I checked for no reason. I opened the engine compartment and found that the battery was stolen. Although it was said that a battery was only a few hundred yuan, the thief could make hundreds of yuan in only a few minutes.

4. Fuel.

Many truck drivers get up two days, one time is to check whether the fuel tank has been stolen, found stolen immediately after adding the fuel reserves. The driver of the car found that there was no oil on the road, but yesterday he filled up a tank of oil. How can we run out of oil so quickly? We must pay attention to the problem.

5. I don't know. The logo, the license plate.

It is relatively easy to steal these small parts, and if you add up, you will bring considerable income to criminals. And the luxury car with a beautiful license plate is often a big boss with a lot of money, which often becomes the object of extortion by thieves.