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How to Make Automotive Parts Products Form Better
2019-09-16 17:24:27

Speaking of metal stamping, I believe that many machinery, automobile, electronics, hardware and other industries have been applied, metal stamping can make products better shape, but every time we stamping finished, we need to clean it, how to clean the stamping parts of hardware automobiles, this is what many businesses want to know.

1The purpose of automotive parts cleaning is to be clean naturally. The choice of cleaning liquid should be based on the cleaning object. There are two kinds of cleaning liquid: water-based cleaning liquid and solvent-based cleaning liquid. At present, water-based cleaning solutions are more and more widely used: alkaline, neutral or acidic degreasing solutions can be used to remove oil; weak acids such as phosphoric acid can be used to clean rust and oxide scales.

Automotive Parts and Components

2. Hydrocarbon hardware cleaning agent has good effect of removing oil and grease, and has corrosion inhibition effect on steel and other metals. It has no corrosion to equipment, copper, stainless steel and other different materials when cleaning. It is simple, safe and reliable to operate.

3. The main methods of metal degreasing and degreasing are: organic solvent method, chemical method, electrochemical method, water-based cleaning agent method, etc. The common organic solvent trichloroethylene can not completely remove polishing wax, especially metal oxides, carbides and polishes on metal surface can not be effectively cleaned; trichloroethylene does not. However, it has greater toxicity, has the tendency of hydrolysis when used improperly, and is corrosive to metals under wet conditions.

Through these introductions above, we believe that everyone has already understood clearly that hydrocarbon hardware cleaner emulsifies the molecular structure of various condensate, grease and grease scale with unique chemical action, so as to achieve the purpose of rapid and thorough removal of heavy grease scale. We should choose the phase according to the nature of our products when we choose the cleaning solution. Corresponding cleaning agent.