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The basic requirements of materials for the processing of metal automobile stamping parts
2019-11-06 10:24:22

The materials used in automobile stamping parts are closely related to metal stamping parts. The nature of metal stamping materials directly affects the quality and service life of metal stamping parts, and may also affect the production cost. What are the basic requirements of metal stamping on materials?

Basic requirements of metal stamping on materials:

1. Good stamping performance.

For the forming process of metal stamping parts, such as drawing, bending, poor punching, convex, etc., the material shall have good stamping forming performance, that is, it shall have good fracture resistance, good die sticking and formability, otherwise the product is easy to deform, crack, etc., resulting in the difficulty of mold repair. For the separation process, the material is required to have certain plasticity.

Automobile stamping parts

2. High surface quality.

The surface of the material shall be smooth and flat, free from defects and damages. The material with good surface quality is not easy to crack and scratch the mold when forming, and the surface quality of the metal stamping parts is also good.

3. The thickness tolerance of materials shall meet the national standards.

Because a certain die gap is only suitable for a certain thickness range of materials, if the material thickness tolerance is too large, it will not only directly affect the quality of the parts, but also lead to the emergence of waste products. In the process of correcting bending and shaping, it is possible to damage the die or press due to the excessive thickness deviation.

Difference of stamping parts of hardware automobile:

Small metal stamping parts refer to a kind of metal equipment formed by physical processing operations, such as cutting, rolling and casting, of some metals, mainly steel, iron and aluminum.

Large scale metal stamping parts are the processing of metal materials and the manufacture of primary metal products, which can be used in the manufacture of general production equipment.

Therefore, from the above definition, we can see that the two are influenced and saturated with each other, and can be interpenetrated with each other. Therefore, there are both connections and differences between them, and they are an inseparable whole.