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Understand the classification of automotive stamping parts
2019-09-09 19:26:11

The automobile factory has 4 night processes (4 night workshops) farewell is stamping workshop, welding workshop, painting workshop, general disassembly workshop. The automobile stamping parts die in the stamping workshop. To give you an example, all the metal shells you see in automobile shells belong to stamping parts. Basically, the steel plate is operated as a designed die and pressed into the required medium shape by a presser (tonnage to 2000 tonnage) according to the designed process.

Automobile stamping parts

As for his fumigation impulse, it is easy to explain that the steel sheet becomes a stamping part through the stamping workshop, and the stamping part becomes a black-skin body through the welding workshop. That is, the steel is welded to the chassis, doors, roof, ceiling, planning hood, fender and so on. The skeleton of the vehicle is being exploded on land, which is equivalent to the whole vehicle. There are many dismantlements on it. After coating and disassembling many disassembly nuts and holes, the general disassembly workshop will disassemble the planner, electrical components, interior accessories, seats, standard guides, tires, lights, etc. and complete the work on the bottom of a car.

Automotive stamping parts are classified into many categories, and the steel plates used for the whole parts without examples are not opened. Shear shears, such as the B-pillar inner plate, are usually used to make strength steel plates, such as the whole piece which is in the process of side collision with the impulse of closing and fumigating; some steel plates which have no lower performance and medium shape without complicated lifting plates and brackets will be used to make push-and-stretch performance as usual.

Because there is no elegant steel plate for special operation, some medium-sized parts are relatively complex, and some medium-sized parts with deep or relatively slow-moving characteristics need steel plate with good stretching performance. The raw materials of automobile cylinder cushion are not opened and blackened, but stamping is indispensable. One is bright and rough.

The ten silent night parts of automobile stamping parts are: the inner panel of the hood, the top cover, the left glaze of the wing panel, the inner panel of the left glaze of the middle panel, the inner panel of the left glaze of the front and rear doors, the inner panel of the left glaze before, during and after winter.