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What are the specific requirements for automobile stamping parts on raw materials?
2019-10-28 16:02:00

For automotive stamping parts, because they are website products and keywords, so in terms of learning requirements, they should be comprehensive and specific. Therefore, the knowledge content and related difficult problems are all involved, and none of them can be omitted. So, based on this, we will start to do it immediately to improve your learning efficiency.

1. For the inspection of automobile stamping parts, what is the flush in the gauge measurement? In addition, which parts of the car need to have a four-step stamping process?

For the inspection of automobile stamping parts, the English flush in the inspection tool measurement, its professional explanation, is the flush inspection. In the automotive parts, there are four steps of stamping process, which are for some large covering parts, and they are also automotive stamping parts.

Automobile stamping parts

2. Is there any difference between stamping die and metal stamping die in automobile stamping parts?

If the stamping die in automobile stamping parts is compared with the metal stamping die, then there are differences between the two. For the former, there are many technical requirements for side a, while for the latter, there are no such requirements. Therefore, this conclusion can be drawn. Therefore, the main difference between the two lies in the technical requirements.

3. What are the specific requirements for automobile stamping parts in terms of raw materials?

For automobile stamping parts, the specific requirements on raw materials are as follows:

The raw materials of stamping parts shall be provided with quality certificates and conform to relevant technical requirements. Otherwise, they cannot be used. In addition, some corresponding analysis or test can be carried out to check the performance of the material and whether there are defects, so as to judge whether it is available. In addition, if necessary, raw materials can be retested to ensure that there is no risk.