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Which aspects should be checked when purchasing auto parts
2019-12-18 09:57:49

See if the joint is flat. In the process of handling and storage of spare parts, due to vibration and collision, burr, indentation, damage or crack often occur at the joint part, which affects the use of parts. Pay attention to inspection when purchasing.

Check whether the surface of auto parts is rusted. The surface of qualified spare parts has both a certain precision and a bright finish. The more important the spare parts are, the higher the precision, the more strict the anti rust and anti-corrosion of the packaging. Pay attention to inspection during purchase. If parts are found to have rust spots, mildew spots, or rubber parts are cracked or lose elasticity, or there is obvious turning tool pattern on the journal surface, they shall be replaced.

Auto parts

Check whether the protective surface is intact. Most parts are factory coated with a protective coating. For example, the piston pin and bearing bush shall be protected with paraffin; the surface of piston ring and cylinder liner shall be coated with antirust oil and wrapped with wrapping paper; the valve and piston shall be sealed with plastic bag after being soaked with antirust oil. In case of damage of sealing sleeve, loss of packing paper, loss of antirust oil or paraffin during purchase, it shall be returned and replaced.

1. Slight damage: toothpaste can be used.

Slight marks give you a trick. Apply toothpaste on these scratches, and wipe them slowly to remove the scratches. Because there are very small particles in the toothpaste, wiping them slowly is equivalent to grinding the obvious scratches.

II. Slight damage: paint mending pen can be used.

When you can see the scratches on the paint surface very clearly, it is recommended to use a touch up pen for treatment. Be sure to know the official name of your car paint what color, and then purchase the corresponding color touch up pen.

3. Moderate injury: go to the fast repair shop for repair.

The paint has come off obviously. Generally, it should be dealt with as soon as possible. In this case, the automobile sheet metal parts manufacturer does not recommend you to go to the 4S shop for repair. It not only takes time, but also costs money. You can go to the fast repair shop for repair, which is convenient, fast and cheap.

IV. serious damage: direct to 4S store.

It's unnecessary to talk about serious damage. Not only the primer is exposed, but also the area of damage is very large. In this case, you can go to the 4S shop directly for insurance.